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A brand new hot tub or spa system is often exhilarating for owners as it adds another amenity and luxury to enjoy. With that in mind, there has been a stigma revolving around hot tub water care products and how they are often very pricy and difficult to maintain.

The truth is: not at all! This is a common misconception and the cost associated with water care does not need to be high, as long as it’s done even just remotely right. We’ll break it down for you below.


Despite them sounding a bit like a science experiment, they’re simple enough for anyone to master.

1. pH

pH is measured on a scale of 0-14; 0 being the most acidic, 14 being the most alkaline, and 7 being completely neutral. You're going to want to aim for around 7, as the recommended pH range for a personal pool or hot tub is between 7.4 and 7.8. pH solutions are approximately $5 per 700g and you will need both a bottle to increase pH and one to decrease pH.

2. Total Alkalinity

Total Alkalinity (TA) is a measure of the amount of alkaline salts within your water, which helps act as a buffer to maintain the pH. Aim for a TA between 80-120 ppm (Parts Per Million) as it promotes the life of your hot tub equipment. You can pick up an alkalinity increaser to increase the TA of your tub or some muriatic acid to decrease the TA.

3. Calcium Hardness

Calcium Hardness (CH) is a measurement of the calcium that is present in the hot tub water. Having low CH in your tub can lead to corrosion, while high CH can lead to scaling, cloudy water, and staining. Maintaining the CH between 150-300 ppm (Parts Per Million) will prevent a number of unwanted and unexpected water conditions.

4. Temperature

In general, the temperature range of your hot tub should sit at approximately 102-104 degrees F or 38-40 degrees C. Maintaining the best temperature can easily affect how quickly your sanitizer is consumed and then dissolved.

5. Total Dissolved Solids

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is a measure of the water saturation from the initial use. The TDS level should always rest below 1500 parts per million (ppm). Once it reaches the 1500ppm mark, it’s time to drain and refill your hot tub.


Water care should not be difficult to understand or tough on your wallet to maintain. On average, basic water care should run you for just $20/month without any fancy chemical adjusters. If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to us for more information.

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