Technical FAQs
Having trouble operating your Strong Spa? Not to worry! We’ve got the answers to some of the top questions that our technical team hears from our customers on a weekly basis. These answers are concise and designed so the spa owner can address easily without assistance from our service technicians. Of course, we will continue address all of our service calls from our Strong Spas’ customers.
What do the SL, SLP, EC, or ECO codes mean on my spa display?
Standard Mode (ST/Std): Maintains the desired temperature constantly. Pumps activate regularly to monitor and maintain the temperature. Ideal for startup or cold climates, but is the most energy-consuming mode.
Economy Mode (EC/Ecn): Heats the spa only during filter cycles. The temperature may drop between cycles. Best for mild to warm climates.
Sleep Mode (SL/SLP): Heats the water within 20°F (11°C) of the set temperature only during filter cycles. This mode is energy-efficient, making it ideal for vacation use or energy savings.
Switching Modes:
- If your display has four buttons: Press the "Temp" or "Warm" button, followed by "Light" to cycle through the modes (Standard, Economy, Sleep). Press the jets button to confirm your selection.
- If your display has a mode button: Press "Mode" to enter programming, then press "Cool" to cycle through the modes. Press "Mode" again to confirm.
My spa isn’t powering up. What should I check?
Step 1: Test or replace the 0.3-amp fuse next to the terminal box where wiring attaches to the spa.
Step 2: Test power using a voltage meter. If the pump doesn't start after 6 minutes, contact support.
Breaker Troubleshooting: If the breaker isn't tripping, flip the switch down, then up again. If no power flows, press the test button. If the handle doesn't flip down, you may have a faulty breaker. Contact an electrician.
What should I do if my spa pump isn’t working?
Step 1: If you hear a click but nothing happens, check and replace the 30-amp fuse near the pump plug.
Step 2: If you hear humming but no water movement, you may have air trapped in the pump. Release it by loosening the highest union according to the manual.
Step 3: If no sound occurs when pressing the button, it could be a faulty button.
How do I troubleshoot breaker issues?
Cut off power and remove the electrical box cover inside the spa (usually under the controls). Use the diagram on the cover as a reference.
Troubleshooting the heat element: Remove the copper straps from the board and test if the breaker trips. If it doesn't, the heat element is faulty.
Pump troubleshooting: Remove pump plugs one at a time and check if the breaker trips. If the pump is faulty, replace it.
Component troubleshooting: If no single component trips the breaker, the board or the breaker may need replacement.
Why is my spa water too hot?
Heat generated by the pump while filtering can cause the water temperature to rise above the desired level. The surrounding climate also affects water temperature. To manage this, set the filter cycle to 2 hours and restart the spa by shutting off power for 10 seconds. The new settings will take effect after the restart.
Experience True Spa Innovation
Our G-2 Series of spas combines superior innovation and manufacturing quality with exceptional comfort and maintenance-free enjoyment. We’ve got it all covered for you. From the durability of our premium pedestal base, to the strength of our industry-leading cabinet system, to our innovative Dura-Shield Hardcover with Lift Assist, being a G-2 Series owner is easy, fun, and relaxing.